Advertisements are usually used to try and sell a product and get the company behind the product shown. They use many different techniques from camera angles to celebrity endorsement to try and sell their products.
Nike Advert
The first TV advert that I chose to analyse was a Nike Advert from around 2009. Firstly, the advert uses celebrity endorsement through the use of professional footballers to advertise the product it is trying to sell and to draw the viewers into buying one of their items. The target audience for the advert would be young football fans and football fans in general. These type of fans would be attracted to this advert because the players featured in it might be their idols and they might aspire to be like them.
The advert has been filmed in the perspective of an upcoming footballer with a handheld point of view camera. This makes the advert stand out because not many adverts use this type of filming so this makes it unique. The professional footballers and managers featured in the advert would help it become more successful as it would be able to reach to their fan base. The pace of the advert is really fast and has bright colours which will attract a younger audience and show how footballers feel in an actual match when they are filled with adrenaline. As the advert was made by nike its obvious that there would be product placement throughout the whole advert, such as football shirts. This would make viewers remember the product as they would be constantly shown the Nike logo.
The form of the advert is realism as it is filmed in the view of the footballer and makes the viewers feel as if they are actually there and in his shoes. Nike showed their viewers that they care about their adverts being as realistic as possible by using real footballers and real football stadiums.
Celebrity endorsement was used during the whole advert through the use of the famous footballers. These footballers will attract more people to watch the advert and get it noticed by more people therefore making the Nike product more known. This advert will create a memory for viewers as it features a variety of footballing legends such as Ronaldo, Ronaldinho and Ibrahimovic. By featuring these famous footballers in the advert, it will gain a lot more recognition because of the footballers fan base. The heavy use of celebrity endorsement by Nike will help them to sell more of their products as viewers may believe that if you purchase one of their products, you will have a chance of becoming a professional and being famous. Nike also uses lifestyle appeal to try and sell their products. This is shown in the part of the advert where the footballer is seen with the women. This might make young viewers believe that if they purchase one of Nike's products, they will get the girls.
A memory of the Nike products is created as because their products like boots, shirts and their logo are constantly being shown and reminding the viewer of their company. The advert also makes the viewers feel emotion as when they see the upcoming footballer fail, they will feel sympathy towards him. The effect of creating a memory for the viewer is also continued at the very end of the advert where they place the Nike logo across the screen. This makes the logo the only thing shown on the screen so that it can grab the viewers attention so that they know which company is selling to them.
The advert features a surreal moment when the footballer realises that he is being scouted by Arsene Wenger. This is a surreal moment as he knows that there is a chance of becoming a professional. This part of the advert would also make a younger audience more attracted to the advert because its as if its telling them that if they practise hard and purchase a product from Nike, they can make it to the top.
The scenes in the advert are cut really fast and dramatic and the colours are bright including the kits which will make the audience know what a footballer feels like in an actual match as they are full of adrenaline. The fast cuts highlight the intensity in the matches and how close they are. This feeling of intensity is also shown by the use of the fast paced music.
Haribo Tangfastics pitch advert
The Second advert that I chose to analyse was a Haribo Tangfastic advert from 2016. The form of this advert would be a series ad as it has several other adverts which continue from each other and all advertise the same sweet. This advert can be viewed as being humorous as it features adults whose voices sound like those of children. In contrast, this advert could also be seen as being realistic as it involves real life events, as they are playing sports on a pitch and doesn't feature things such as animation or the sweets coming to life. The style of the advert would be humorous because of the men's childlike voices. By using this effect of humour, the advert would be able to reach out to its target audience which would be children or their parents.
The mis-en-scene in the advert shows a group of men on a pitch with a packet of the Haribo Tangfastics. The mens clothing is mostly in the colours orange, green and yellow. These are the colours that are used on the packaging of the sweets, as can be seen by the shot below they are very similar. This use of colour could have also been added to make viewers recognise the Haribo product just by these colours and create a memory for them whenever they see these colours.
As the advert begins to play, an establishing shot has been used to show the location and what is involved in the scene. This shot shows the men that are playing the sport on the pitch. This shot could have been used to show that the product can be aimed at ordinary, every day people. We can see that they are normal people as no tilts were used during the advert which highlights that they are all equal and the same. Close up shots were also used during the advert. The first close up that was used was the one near the start on one of the sweets. This shot was used to make viewers focus on the product that is being sold to them. They make the sweet take up the whole screen to show us how amazing it is. The next close up shot that we can see being used is the one on one of the man's face after eating one of the sweets. In the shot we can see that the man is happy and maybe excited. This shot will tell viewers that after eating the sweet they will feel better than they previously did. It could also tell viewers that if they have never eaten a Haribo sweet before, they are missing out. As the advert draws to a close, there is a close up shot of the Haribo packet on the ground with the logo next to it. This is placed at the end of the advert to make the viewers remember the product. The logo has also been made bigger at the end, this creates a memory for the viewers as they will be able to associate the logo with the sweets and also link it to the advert they just finished watching.
Lifestyle appeal is used in the advert to try and sell the product. Throughout the advert all the men are always together. There is never a part where one of them is by themselves. This could make viewers believe that by purchasing their product, they will be able to make more friends. It could also say that people who do not buy their product will have no friends and be seen as an outcast. Most of the people in the advert are in good shape so this could make viewers purchase the product to try and become like them. Also at the end of the advert Haribo uses the little song that they place at the end of each of their adverts. This would create further memories to the audience as they would all recognise the song and be able to link it towards the product.
Audi A4 2016 advert
For my third advert analysis I chose an Audi advert from 2016. The setting of the advert is realistic as it is based in and out of the persons home. The advert could also be viewed as being anti realist because every time the man touches an object, it changes to something more advanced. The form of this would be a realist advert because it features a person, probably a business man, that is very comfortable money wise as he has the latest things and lives in a modern house. Whenever the advert shows scenes inside the mans house, colours like browns and oranges can be seen. These colours are typically associated with the feeling of warmth so this could suggest that his home is very comfortable and cosy therefore showing off his financial stability. The opening shot of the advert highlights the persons normality as it shows him waking up on the morning in his home. In the shot we can see that he doesn't have a partner as the only other thing there is his dog. The style of this advert would be dramatic as nothing too out of the ordinary happens during it.
From the start of the advert until the car is first shown, the only thing showed on screen would be the man. There were no other people featured within the advertisement. The use of only one person in the advert could show how the company Audi are promoting the vehicle to anyone and that there are no preferences for the car such as families. At the end of the advert the car is seen being driven on an open road. This empty road could highlight the independence of the man and could imply to the audience that if they purchase the car they will have more freedom. Close ups are used throughout the advert whenever the man goes to touch an object, as this happens the item that he touches automatically becomes upgraded. This could have been used to suggest that if you purchase an Audi car, your life will be significantly better. Another close up is used when the man gets into the car, of the dashboard. This shot has been added into the advert to persuade the viewers to go and buy the car as it shows off the cars features of a screen and a built in GPS system. A pan movement is used when the camera moves across the front of a Mercedes car as it changes into an Audi vehicle. This type of camera movement has been used to make the viewers believe that owning an Audi is better than having the Mercedes. This same pan movement is also close up to the car. This has been used to make the viewers focus on the Audi logo. Straight after this camera movement, a long shot has been used to show the full body of the car. As the car is the main thing in frame in this shot, this use of long shot will make the audience focus on the vehicle and what it looks like, therefore creating a memory for them. Cuts are used during the advert and towards the end they start to speed up as the car is seen driving on the road. This faster pace of cuts has been used to show viewers different parts of the car quickly. This could suggest to them that if they want to find out more, they should just purchase the vehicle. A mid shot was also used in the advert when the man sits inside the car. This shot was used to show the audience the mans facial expressions. From the mans face, the viewers of the advert can see that the man is excited to have the car and seems satisfied with it. This mid shot was used rather than a close up so that they could show off the interior of the car as well as the mans face.
The music used within the advert is very upbeat and fast paced. This could show the audience how the car is exciting and thrilling. The only time that the music stops within the advert is when the Audi is first shown on screen. This could have been done to emphasise how good the car is and sating that you should stop everything for this vehicle. The advert uses different selling techniques to try and get viewers to buy their product. Lifestyle appeal has been used to try and convince viewers that if they buy the car from Audi, they will live a lavish life like the man in the advert. The advert also tries to create a memory for the audience. This can be seen when the Audi is first shown and they zoom into the logo and at the end of the advert the logo fills up the screen. A tagline, "Intelligence is the new rock and roll" is also used before this so that this company would stick in their head. This tagline is used to make the viewers focus on the logo and in turn make them recognise where it comes from. In the advert, it is suggested that the Audi is better than other cars because in the advert is shows a Mercedes changing into an Audi. This shows how they think they are better than Mercedes because previously, every item that the man touched improved.
Television adverts are usually always made for the same thing. To try and sell a product to its viewers. Each advert has their own way of doing this and does so by using different types of techniques to get people engaged with the advert and the product is offering.