Monday, 12 September 2016

Media TV Adverts

For my memorable Tv advert I chose the Nike football advert.

I think that the target audience for this advert would be young football fans and football fans in general. Young people would be attracted to this advert because the players featured in the advert might be their idols and they might aspire to be like them. The advert has been done is first person so it will give the audience an insight of what it would be like to be a footballer.

This advert would be successful because of the footballers that are featured, they are famous which means that the advert will reach a lot of people. This advert is unique as it is in first person and not a lot of adverts are made like this, this allows the advert to be different and stand out which makes it recognisable. The pace of the advert is really fast and has bright colours which will attract a younger audience and show how footballers feel in an actual match when they are filled with adrenaline. As the advert was made by nike its obvious that there would be product placement throughout the whole advert.

This advert is very realistic as it is set in first person in the perspective of the footballer. By using actual footballers instead of just using actors shows how the people that nike put a lot of effort into making the advert look real and they also had the matches in real football stadiums.

The camera used in the advert is a handheld point of view advert which makes the viewers feel as if they are actually there. This type of camera in adverts is unique because not many adverts have used this therefore, making this advert stand out. Celebrity endorsement has been used in this advert when they added the famous footballers, the footballers will attract more people to see the advert and get it more noticed. In the advert there is a part where the footballer goes back home so this gives the audience an insight to his family life. The advert is quite dramatic as it shows the footballer struggling and then it shows him practicing and training to improve his game. It also shows the footballers journey and how he got to the professional level through Arsene Wenger scouting him and how he became successful enough to make it to international level.

Selling techniques in the advert

The main selling technique used in the advert I chose was creating a memory of the product. Nike products such as boots, footballs and shirts were constantly shown in the advert. In effect, this would be consistently reminding the viewers of their company.

This advert also features lifestyle appeal as their is a part in which the footballer is signing fans' shirts and also shows him with his girlfriend. This makes the audience feel like if they don't purchase Nike's adverts, they wont have friends and that women will not be attracted to them. As this is done using the first person camera it actually makes the viewers feel as if they are there. This insight into the footballers life also shows the viewers how he was in a limo and that the girl he was with was wearing expensive clothes which makes viewers envy her.

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